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Stories for You
All things Pertaining to Motherhood

Learn to Teach- Titus 2:1-5
A continuation of the Bible study for Titus 2 that is to aim to encourage mothers and wives to learn to teach.
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Introduction-Titus 2: 1-5
A Bible Study Aiming to Encourage Wives and Mothers
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Whole Grain Einkorn Sourdough Pancakes
Delicious sourdough pancakes made with whole grain einkorn. These pancakes are perfect on a slow Saturday morning!
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Mama’s Time With Jesus
Grow your relationship with Jesus as a mama
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Happy New Year!
At the beginning of every year, we all create resolutions to help us better ourselves. Its a way for us to try and have a good start and...
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Flour to Table
I think I can officially say I am a "crunchy mom" because I now have a countertop flour mill along with some einkorn berries! I have had...
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Surrendering What is Yours, Lord.
One year, while talking with a friend, she was telling me how she wanted to homeschool her children but she knew she wouldn't be able to...
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DIY Fringe Ribbon Bookmark
A fun, easy, and beautiful way to mark your place in your books or Bible.
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The Growing Willow
The meaning behind the name...
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