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Introduction-Titus 2: 1-5

Updated: Apr 21

In the beginning of this year, I was listening to a Christian YouTuber talking about how to run our homes like a business. While listening to her, she said something that changed my perspective of doing my daily chores. She basically put it like this... no one likes to scrub a toilet, fold an endless amount of laundry, or even clean dishes everyday. But do it because you love your family and you want them to be able to use a clean toilet, have clean clothes to wear, and have clean dishes accessible. And in doing all those things with the right heart, we are not only serving our family but also serving the Lord. After listening to that video, it started to make me think about how I wish I had that perspective sooner, and how I wish someone would have taught me about things that mattered in this walk of life rather than how to find a husband. And that thought led me to Titus chapter 2.

But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. -Titus 2: 1-5

As you read these verses, you may think it is pretty self explanatory. However, I don't think it is taken seriously enough these days. Each generation seems to lose the "art" of being a wife, mother, and homemaker. Nowadays, you see all over social media women fantasizing homemaking and motherhood. I think its great they are encouraging the idea but they are not always showing the real life challenges. You see, I did not grow up in a Christian home so I didn't have any examples of how to do things the way God intended. As I look back at when I was a teenager, I wouldn't say I had a mentor but I would say that there were women in my life I looked up to a whole lot and still do. Now, these women don't know who they are, but a lot of what I have observed while being around them, I implement them in my own life now that I am walking on the path they once walked.

I really want to encourage this generation of mothers and wives to teach and encourage the next generation of wives and mothers. And by doing that, first, we need to uphold our testimony and watch what we say and do, because as you know, those girls who are near the age of marriage are watching us. We don't want the next generation to see us caring for our families like it is burden. Instead, we want them to see us caring for our families like it is a blessing! And by achieving that mindset, we NEED to have that personal relationship with Christ. I cannot stress that enough!

The Bible shows us how to be the things we need to be for our families and it does not make little of what our role is. God has given us women examples to follow and to not follow in our Bibles so that we can learn from them. Now, as I am typing this out, I am by no means saying that I have it all figured out- because I DO NOT. It has been something I feel like God is dealing with me about for some time now. I for sure have my load of mess-ups that I wish I could take back, but instead I choose to learn from them.

As you can tell by the title, this is just the introduction to what I want to talk about. My goal for each of my posts is to be short reads because I know how busy you moms are! I think the Lord is leading me to go through the verses in Titus chapter 2 and expound on it verse by verse. Kind of like a Bible Study. I'm sorry it has took me so long to post this months blog, I wanted to make sure the Lord was leading me to say the right things and I also was super busy with the move and unpacking. Please pray that the Lord speaks through me and uses me to be a blessing to you all.


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