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Mama’s Time With Jesus

Spending time with Jesus should be a mother's priority everyday in order to be the best that we can be for ourselves and for family. We should always do our best to make time for Him. And that could look different for everyone.

Find the Perfect Time

Now, it is very important to try and find a time where you can spend time reading and praying. But like every mama out there, life can get in the way sometimes and you have no choice but to read and pray during naptime, at night, or even when your children are around. And that's perfectly ok! I believe the Lord has grace with us and rewards our efforts for trying to make some time for Him.

Also, if there are days that you need to read while the kids are around, view it as a blessing! Your children are watching you (their example in this life) read the word of God and praying to Jesus. Utilize this time, while they are young, to establish a quiet time with Jesus. Try to teach them to read their Bible story books next to you and pray with you afterwards. If they finish reading/ looking through the books, occupy them with puzzles or coloring. Now, if you're a boy mom like me, you know that keeping them still only lasts for so long. But the effort that you're making is definitely making an impression on them and they do notice.

Establish a Devotional Routine

Over the years, I've noticed many people have different ways of spending time with Jesus. Some people read a devotional book along with their normal Bible reading or some people use their morning devotions as a time to study the Bible. But for me personally, I like to keep it as simple as possible because if I'm reading before my boys wake up, I am on a time crunch because they wake up very early.

Heres what my daily devotions look like:

  • I ask the Lord to help me to be attentive to His Word

  • Read at least four chapters (I'm also journaling whatever stands out to me)

  • Write out my monthly memory verse

  • Update my prayer list

  • Pray

Have the Right Heart

I would be lying through my teeth if I told you that I feel like doing my devotions everyday. Each day we have to "die daily" and some days are easier than others. There are days that I really am fighting the flesh, and on those days, before I even open up my Bible, I really have to ask the Lord to examine my heart and ask for the strength. Jesus talks about how our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak and will enter into temptation if we don't watch and pray (Matthew 26:41). Having the right heart when reading your Bible will allow the Lord to really work in you and your life, but if your flesh is in the way, the Lord wont be able to work.


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